Digital Turn Around Transport Stream Router with 10 ASI inputs, triplexed (3 mirrored) ASI output plus Gigabit Ethernet output for UDP/RTP Multicast, and Fast Ethernet contol/management and IP routing. Includes DVB Simulcrypt interface for scrambling using common DVB-CSA management solutions or Adtec's AES CAMS server and encryption. Supports full Mux 1+1 redundant operation, provides full closed loop statistical multiplexing with Adtec edje-21xx encoders, and controls external video routers for n+1 or n+2 encoder redundancy. Data Sheet
Цена $11 595,00 |
Specs and Requirements
| Front Panel
- 8 Button Tactile Raised keypad:
Mode, Select, Enter, Escape, Up, Down,Left, Right
- Blue Translucent LCD
20 character by 2 row
- Front Panel Host LED’s
Power, Alarm, Link, Busy, MPE
- Front Panel LEDs
In : 1 - 10 ASI
Out : Alarm, ASI, SMPTE 310, CA, GigE
ASI Inputs
- ASI x 10 (BNC)
- 188 or 204 Byte mode
- 211 Mbps per input
- 256 PIDs per input
- Fill scrubbing on input
- Input Modes
Auto (Remap all services)
Manual (Add/Drop/Remap PID/Services)
Pass (Pass all services as-is)
MHP Injector
SI Injector
- 1+1 IP and ASI
- ASI x 2 (BNC inputs for auto switch)
- No external controller required
- Gigabit Ethernet
SPTS over UDP or RTP
MPTS over UDP or RTP
150 Mbs
Very low jitter
(model is DTA 3050-ASI)
Mirrored (BNC x 3)
Byte or Burst Mode
54 Mbs Byte
211 Mbs Burst
Jitter less than 150 (nS)
- SMPTE-310
(model is DTA 3050-SMPTE-310)
Mirrored (BNC x 2)
Byte Mode only
19.39 Mbs fixed
SMPTE-310 option includes ASI
Table Processing
IP Data Encapsulation (ISO 13818-6 MPE)
- EN 301 192 Encapsulation of IP Datagrams over
- Unicast and Multicast Support
- 32 Routes
- 32 PIDs
IP Data de-capsulation (ISO 13818-6 MPE)
- EN 301 192 de-capsulation of IP Datagrams
- 16 PiDs
- 300 Mbs
Conditional Access Encryption
- DVB-Common Scrambling Algorithm (CSA)
- DVB Simulcrypt TS 103 197 v 1.2.1 and SCTE
OpenCAS™ DVS-278 compliant
- FIPS 140-2 hardware based random number generator (RNG)
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Adtec Open Secure Transport (OST)
IP based encryption for use with Adtec IRDs
IP Set Top and Computer compatibility
- Approved 3rd Party CA Vendors include:
- AES:
Adtec OST
Host Platform
- 70-240 VAC switching power supply
- 50/60 Hertz
- Rated at 94 Watts return nominal usage 20 watts
- 19” wide, 1.75” tall, 16” deep, (483 x 44.5 x 406 mm)
- 1 Rack Unit
- Weight 13lbs.
- Active cooling (Push pull Fans)
- Operating: 0 to +50 degrees C
- Storage: -30 to +65 degrees C
- Less than 70% RH
- Non-Condensing