《Product Feature》
1、Dual Module RF drive, high efficiency laser pre-distortion adjustment.
2、Full-automatically Optic Modulation Intensity (OMI) control,AGC&MGC.
AGC status, input range is 78dBuV~88dBuV, system index is the best.
MGC status, input range can be adjusted 75dBuV~90dBuV by the ATT on front panel.
3、Front panel has 20 grade OMI status display(Modulation Depth).,intuitively adjust and display OMI normal (NOM) ,low( LOW) or high(HIGH).
AGC status, RF is fixed ,OMI is always at NOM status.
MGC status, OMI can be at NOM status by adjusting ATT.
4、Dual power supply inside backup. Full-automatically switch.
One is working, the other as cool backup( suggested).
Both are working at the same time, one as hot backup, If one is damaged , switch to the other full- automatically .Switch time ≤10us.
5、Full- automatically control of casing temperature, ensure long life of the laser.
Casing temperature is monitored and controlled by micro-processor. Display screen shows the actual operation temperature in time.
When casing temperature≥45℃, Two fans at the back panel will open automatically to cool it by constraint.
When casing temperature≤35℃, the transmitter will turn down automatically to ensure longer life of the fans.
6、Dual RF input port.
AM interface input 59 routes PAL-D(47-550MHz)
Digital interface(-10dB) input digital video(550-750MHz)
7、Time locked function.
HT8300B, with time control and lock function, user can set the working time ( eg, 3 months ) by the software on the front panel. If exceeding the fixed time, there will be alarm, only the password can turn on the machine again otherwise it will turn off automatically.